Tyson Foods Marketing Strategies (+awesome examples)

Headquartered in Arkansas, USA, Tyson Foods is one of the largest food companies in the world. 

The company has gained success in the food industry by implementing a series of superior marketing strategies. 

In this article, we review five successful marketing strategies Tyson Foods integrates into their marketing systems.

Tyson Foods Marketing Strategies
Tyson Foods includes these 5 marketing strategies: 1. Product diversification, 2. Effective brand positioning, 3. Strong partnerships, 4. Innovation, 5. Customer engagement.

These strategies have helped the company to build a strong brand presence and have allowed them to reach the top of the food production industry.

But notice, each one of these strategies is something you can do, too.

Let’s get started and review each one with an example.

5 Marketing Strategies of Tyson Foods

Tyson Foods is focusing very heavy on innovation and "re-imagining how protein is used", featuring a main link in their navigation bar. Go here for more information.

As we get started in reviewing 5 excellent marketing strategies that Tyson Foods has done a great job in developing, here is an excellent article about the top 10 food brands in the US and some very helpful branding lessons:

What are the biggest food companies in the US? (+Amazing brands)

Tyson Foods owns several great brands. The purpose of this article is not to explore those brands as we do that in other articles, but we will review some strategies you can easily use in your own marketing department.

Two of the most important topics and why Tyson Foods is so impressive in their marketing is:

  1. Their value proposition, and
  2. Their focus on innovation

I mention these two topics in the beginning because they set the foundation for the marketing strategies to follow.

They compete on a Product Leadership customer value proposition indicative of the fact that they clearly do not change and modify their product based on the customer as Travelers Insurance or Home Depot might do (who compete on a Customer Intimacy value proposition). They also do not compete on a Operational Excellence proposition, indicative of their messaging that does not report savings, streamlined logistics or superior operations capabilities. Based on their messaging and their focus on their workforce and their messaging focuses on “look at us” sales copy, they are competing on a Product Leadership customer value proposition. And this makes sense especially if they are focused on product innovation and ‘re-thinking how protein is used’.

For more information about developing your own Customer Value Proposition, go here for some very helpful articles:

Unique Selling Proposition vs. Value Proposition (with examples)

Customer Intimacy Strategy Examples (6 Companies)

One more thing about innovation.

The great peter Drucker, grandfather of business consulting is famous for saying:

“There are only two chief functions in business: 1. Marketing and 2. Innovation. The rest are cost-centers.”

With that, let’s look at five simple marketing strategies that Tyson Foods is executing masterfully -- and you can too!

1. The first marketing strategy that Tyson Foods has used to become successful is product diversification. 

The company has diversified its product portfolio and has a wide range of products that it offers. This has allowed them to reach a wide range of consumers. Tyson Foods produces a variety of products such as meats, prepared foods, snacks and desserts, and frozen foods. This product diversification has enabled the company to reach a range of different consumers and to cater to the needs of a wide range of customers.

2. The second marketing strategy that Tyson Foods has used to become successful is effective brand positioning. 

The company has positioned itself as a market leader in the food production industry. The company’s branding has been built to portray the company as an expert in the food production industry. The company has used effective marketing campaigns to build its brand and to ensure that its products are seen as premium and of high quality. This has helped the company to build a strong brand presence and to ensure that its products are seen as premium and of high quality.

For more information about branding your marketing department, go here:

How Do You Brand a Manufacturing Company? (7 action steps)

3. The third marketing strategy that Tyson Foods has used to become successful is creating strong partnerships. 

The company has created partnerships with a number of major food retailers and food service companies. These partnerships have allowed the company to extend its reach and to gain access to a wider range of customers. The company has also partnered with a number of farmers and suppliers in order to ensure that it has access to high quality ingredients. This has allowed the company to produce high quality products and to ensure that its customers are satisfied with the products that they are buying.

4. The fourth marketing strategy that Tyson Foods has used to become successful is innovation. 

The company has invested in research and development in order to create new products and to improve existing products.  This is another reason why they have a main initiative to hire and educate their workforce.

This has allowed the company to stay ahead of the competition and to remain at the forefront of the food production industry. The company has also invested in technology in order to ensure that its production processes are efficient and effective. 

This has allowed the company to remain competitive in the food production industry.

For more information about their innovation procedures, go here.

For a great article about innovation and creating breakthroughs in business, visit this helpful article:

How to make a breakthrough in business (+Checklist)

5. The fifth marketing strategy that Tyson Foods has used to become successful is customer engagement. 

The company has invested in customer-facing activities such as social media campaigns and customer loyalty programs. This has allowed the company to engage with its customers and to build relationships with them. The company has also invested in customer feedback systems in order to ensure that it is able to respond to customer feedback and to improve its products and services.

Tyson Foods has been able to become successful in the food production industry by using a number of different marketing strategies. 

These strategies have allowed them to build a strong brand presence and to reach a wider range of customers. 

The company has also used product diversification, effective brand positioning, creating strong partnerships, investing in innovation, and engaging with customers in order to become successful.

For a very helpful article where we reviewed some very important financial rations in the food industry, and specifically looked at Tycon Foods as well as one of their main, direct competitors, go here:

Food manufacturing financial ratios (Hormel vs Pepsi vs Nestle)

For more excellent articles about food marketing branding, advertising and more, go here:

Food Marketing


Becker, H. (2020). Tyson Foods: A Comprehensive Analysis. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/021816/tyson-foods-comprehensive-analysis.asp

Dudovskiy, J. (2017). Tyson Foods Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis. Panmore Institute. https://panmore.com/tyson-foods-marketing-mix-4ps-analysis

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing Management. Pearson Education.

Tyson Foods. (n.d.). Our Story. Tyson Foods. https://www.tysonfoods.com/about-us/our-story



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