5 Powerful Strategies to Increase Prices Without Losing Customers
If your expenses are rising faster than your sales revenue, you are not alone! Many business owners feel the need […]
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Some days it may seem like there are thousands of reasons why your customers aren’t buying.
But, virtually every reason a person gives you for not buying generally falls into one of six buckets.
So, here are the most common reasons why customers don’t buy your products followed by a plan for what you can do about it.
And by better understanding your business from the eyes of your customers, you will be able to address your customer’s needs better and then truly make them an offer they can't refuse...
- Resulting in more customer’s buying more products and services from you, more often.
By first targeting your marketing to people that can afford your product or service through proper list rental, market segmentation, and better website marketing and online advertising campaigns, you will hear this a lot less. People buy products they want. Depending upon what you sell, most people want high quality products at a great deal, not cheap products at a cheap price.
Not only does competition force us as business owners to provide increasingly better service, but it also makes us keep tabs on what our competitors are up to. If you know what your competition is doing, then you can always stay one step ahead of them by crafting your offers with premiums, free bonuses, holiday specials, and other creative benefits to win more customers. Google offers a free tool that can help you keep a close watch on the major moves made by your competitors. Visit www.Google.com/alerts for more information on how you can keep tabs on such things as your competition’s new promotions and public relations efforts.
This is a fantastic way to win back customers that have not bought from you recently. Not only does asking your past customers how you goofed present a reason to contact them again, but it also presents valuable feedback that your company must learn in order to maintain your position in the marketplace and realize future growth. Many of your customers won’t tell you if they were serviced poorly. They simply won’t do business with you ever again. Communication is a crucial portion of the customer retention model and gaining feedback to help new people get their hands on your product. A periodic customer survey can bring you fantastic rewards.
Just because your customers' needs change does not mean you can’t help them find a solution. With LinkedIn advertising strategies and the world becoming much smaller, this presents the opportunity to create joint ventures and sharing profits with other business owners. For example, the smart realtor has painters, door and window installers, floor installers, a termite team, and on and on as part of his/her network – representing dozens of potential ongoing profit centers. After all, the realtor is going to refer the business to somebody.
People love to be friendly and entertained. Are you doing all you can to establish a regular, consistent, and friendly relationship with each and every customer? This is why we love direct mail marketing and email marketing. An engaging relationship marketing campaign can go a long way thus, building a rock solid relationship with your customers so that they would never think of ever doing business with anyone other than you. But, you can’t simply send a postcard as if you were reminding them it’s time for an oil change. You need to send compelling and interesting information that is timely and relevant to enhance their lives in a way only your product or service can.
It may surprise you to know that many companies simply never ask their customers to buy. In my first sales training I was told by my managers to continually ask the customer if they were ready to purchase, also known as a trial close. As odd as it may sound, many businesses simply need to ask for the order when the timing is right.
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Since 2001, Your Strategic Marketing Partner is like having an experienced, trusted advisor sitting alongside you at the executive table. But the difference is: we roll up our sleeves and get to work and help you develop great marketing campaigns, increase lead flow, generate more sales, build a better brand, get more out of what you are doing and ultimately help you gain more customers, and keep more customers. Go here to work with Your Strategic Marketing Partner near you.